About Me

Hi! I’m Heather! And I’m glad you are here! I want to be rather vulnerable and share with you who I am and why I think I can help you. We have all been through some hard stuff in this life, haven’t we? I don’t think there is a person alive who doesn’t know what it feels like to have a bad day or be rejected, or feel betrayed or overwhelmed. I assume that if you are here, some part of you resonates with how I have felt and you might be hoping for some answers for your family. Maybe even running in circles, trying things and just not getting the results you hoped for. And if you are anything like me, you have big dreams and want to be of greater service and make and impact! Yet you might be struggling finding that balance between family, career, creativity, business, and being the person you feel you were meant to be! Sometimes we need that extra support, and maybe even some answers outside of ourselves to help us achieve it all with more grace, perhaps faster, and more effectively! I feel that I found some special keys to connection, tools that unify us and bring balance and healing.

Please forgive this for being long. But my story is what it is, and it’s what got me here. I don’t have time to share it all on a lot of videos, and I always end up with questions when I start telling a bit of it. So here is the full story for your curiosity.

I was born to a mom who was mentally ill, who was certain that her husband wanted to hurt me and kill her. My Dad tried to find a diagnosis for her, and she was given the diagnosis of schizophrenia before the DSM became what it is now. (She was accurately diagnosed at the age of 50 as bipolar 1 with psychosis). They went through a divorce, and my mother went into hiding with me, fearing that he was going to “get us”. Until I finally met my sweet dad at the age of 18, I thought the worst. My Dad searched for me for 16 years.

I watched my mom suffer from health issues, obsessed with symptoms and illness, suicidal ideation, often spending holidays in mental institutions. She remarried and had 2 more children, but it was rocky. My stepfather didn’t know how to handle her emotional outbreaks and delusions of grandeur. There were violent fights, dark mornings, and terrifying nights. I was reserved, sullen, fearful, and lost. I didn’t know how to relate to other kids who seemed to have more normal families.

At the age of 12, my world changed. We moved from Colorado to Idaho, and their relationship went from bad to worse. They sought out our previous family therapist who miraculously also moved from Colorado to now live in Idaho. He began to mentor me in spiritual matters, in finding my greater purpose. He taught me how to seek healing, how to bless our home, and how to bring my own peace. He was gifted with a sight that he didn’t have words for. He taught me about the world of spirits, about this filmy barrier that surrounds people, and about this sense of connection or disconnection that we have with one another. As an LDS bishop and institute teacher, he directed me on a spiritual path and helped me choose to see how God could direct me despite the choices of those around me. And he gave me prophetic blessings about my future, and how I would help people break the chains of abuse, not only for future generations but also for the past!

At the same time, My uncle Dave began to send us information about natural healing technologies that could be beneficial, as well as some positive mindset programs by Earl Nightingale, called Lead the Field. My mom let it collect dust on the shelf. But I began to listen to new ideas that pulled me from my own depressive stupor! My mom also had a dear friend, Sherry, who asked me to babysit for her. She took me under her wing and tried to help my mom. She taught us new things about the world of natural healing modalities. She hoped that my mom would want to heal, want to improve, enjoy life, and stop wallowing in depression and fear. But her efforts were in vain. However, for me….my eyes were opened to the world of energy! I began to seek all the knowledge like that which my therapist and friend had taught me that could help others in their suffering, even if my mom rejected it.

After mom’s second divorce, we moved to Utah. Mom was worse than ever. By the time high school was almost over, I sought out my old therapist once again who I found had moved to Utah. He helped me see the blocks around my mom’s heart, but he couldn’t offer more unless she wanted help. She felt like a victim and thought the world was out to get her. I didn’t know what to do, but he told me that my purpose was to love and heal. He said it was time to move out. I couldn’t be responsible for her happiness or healing. But I never stopped seeking for a better method of healing the mind, heart, and body!

I ended up living with my uncle, who by then, had become the top Distributor in Nikken! He had 9 kids still at home (out of 11) and a big house on 3 acres. I was able to experience what it felt like to live a life of prosperity and abundance! The love in that home was undeniably like heaven! Every day felt like an new adventure! They were generous, kind, playful, and knew how to have fun! We had vacations that I had only ever dreamed about, to Hawaii, Jamaica, ski resorts, and camping in a fancy motorhome. There was evening scriptures, prayers, and readings from works like Norman Vincent Peale, Brian Tracy, and others. Bob Proctor was my uncle’s friend since his wife Linda was also in the business! I was taught from the best minds! I went to a program called “Silver training” now called Humans being more training, which was my first ever taste of a life coaching program! I was transformed! I began to learn all I could about mindset, positive thinking, and healing, and I discovered a book about Feng Shui and how our environment is a reflection of our inner mind! I saw what a balanced family should look like and looked forward to the day when I would start my own family and help thousands of people!

But after heading out on my own at the age of 19, life wasn’t working the way I had hoped it would. I found myself engaged to a man I thought was the right one, but who I discovered to be a heroin addict. My uncle had sent my sister to live with a “friend” of the family, to help her get away from my mom since she was struggling, but when I went to visit, this woman abducted me and refused to let me go back to my roommate and fiance. My roommate, who was bipolar, committed suicide after I left. I found myself in a hellish nightmare, another delusional mentally ill person who had taken over my life. She cut ties with my family, forcing me to write accusatory letters and changed my name, my identity, and for all anyone knew, I had gone crazy like my mother and was off the deep end and wanted nothing to do with anyone.

I was beaten, locked up, and fed things that no human should be forced to eat. I was made to sleep on the floor and remain at the beck and call of this woman, to brush her hair or massage he back and feet the moment she called. My belongings were destroyed, broken, burned, or sold. My hair was shaved. My eyesight was damaged from being hit with a log. My nose was broken so badly that I could no longer breathe from it and would later need surgery. I was hit with a 2×4. Thrown from a 4 wheeler. Left out in the snow barefoot for hours. The worst beating from a heavy wooden broom broke over my body over and over again. I was told to hit myself, in an attempt to make it appear that my constant bruises or gashes were from my own self-mutilation. In public, I was told to behave like a crazy person and threatened to make it believable or else suffer further beatings and a reputation of sexual abuse, if I didn’t.

WHAT HAPPENED? Where was God? Where was my rescuer? Were prayers even answered? Was all that positive life stuff I went through, all that positive thinking junk just nonsense? I began to dream of suicide. I couldn’t see a way out. And little by little, as my humanity was snuffed out, they began to lock me in a bathroom and ignore me, and I began to dream, first of how to kill myself, then, memories of my old life. How sweet it had been compared to THIS!!!!! I remembered what my therapist had taught me, what my blessing had promised about finding my husband, having children, and being an influence on others. HOW?? How could I escape? was it all just some big cosmic joke? As I was left to my thoughts for hours, I began to open up and pray, because it’s all I could do.

September 11, 2001, is one of the most significant days in history and a day of terror for many. But for me, it became a saving grace. It woke me up from a stupor! It made me forget myself. At the same time, it brought that family into a constant state of alarm and council, (talking about the end of the world preparations) and gave me the opportunity to be forgotten so I could prepare a bag of belongings, ignored, left unlocked, and one day, I RAN FOR IT! I escaped to a nearby hotel and begged for a room in exchange could clean the rooms for her. I had been a cleaning crew manager at a previous job at a fancy hotel and knew what to do. She took me in, and I searched for my Dad and he sent money for a bus ticket.

I enrolled in college, choosing psychology to learn to understand the state of mental illness in people that could cause them the kind of trauma I had experienced all my life. I met my husband, married in the Manti Temple, and began to have children. But PTSD soon took over my life! Even though I was learning tools and diagnostics, The 6 therapists I ended up going to only gave me a few little tricks to cope, but nothing to take away the full effects of crippling panic attacks, depression, and fear. I curled into fetal position when my children were hurt! I had a fear of being discovered, fear of contacting my family, fear of facing the world, or facing anyone who might help like those in my life! Fear took over every part of me! And yet I had this undeniable drive to learn how to help myself and others suffering from trauma and abuse!

My prayers were finally answered, the day I experienced a severe panic attack after my daughter cut herself while company was over! I called my cousin for support and she offered a solution she had just discovered since my uncle knew a chiropractor in his downline in Nikken named Dr. Bradley Nelson who had just finished his book and taught them about his method called the Emotion Code! She worked with me there over the phone and released some trapped emotions. For the first time, I felt FREE! And as I learned more about this blessed process, I found that it had the ability to release trapped emotions from your body that were also passed down generationally, and by default process on behalf of those ancestors gone before. And suddenly, my mind went back to that old blessing as a young girl by my therapist, that I would one day find a way to help break the chains of abuse not only for future generations but for the past! I prayed to God and asked if this…FINALLY was what he was talking about, and the overwhelming undeniable warmth that had become familiar to me as an indicator of truth spread over my whole being.

But even as I began to see this as an answer, I had a hard time trusting myself, trusting the process, and having the confidence to help others. We struggled financially. My husband and I found ourselves caught in a never-ending cycle of working our way up the ladder only to be thrown off again as the company moved, businesses went out of business, promises were forgotten, sabatoge from others in charge, schools went out of business and credits lost! We had to keep asking for assistance, using food stamps, get creative about managing money, and living within our means. We had to start over seemingly endlessly! Why was this pattern repeating OVER and OVER?? I continued to learn, continued to go to school, continued to have more children, and just dedicated myself to constant learning from every source I could get my hands on. Books, podcasts, school, and finally hiring coaches using tax refund money or loans. I studied the law of attraction, and rejected it, but kept drawing back to look for what I was missing. Knew that it contained some truth, but something was incomplete, off, a little garbled in mysticism, and philosophies of man. Parts HAD to be true, but parts felt incongruent. I saw it work for my uncle. I saw it work for others. But what was I missing? I believed, my husband believed. We were building positive mindsets but kept getting knocked down.

In 2018 I finally pulled up the courage to take all that I had learned and begin working with clients to help release trapped emotions and trauma. I didn’t know much about business, but I knew what was possible, because of how it helped me! I had developed a bigger belief in myself and had healed enough that I could finally look back without pain. I found that as I worked through the emotional baggage, my intuition began to increase and I was sensing things In people more than I ever had. I was beginning to recognize that sensation that I was on to truth, and could also feel when something was false. I FELT it…somehow shivering through me. As I began working with clients, I began to sense the emotions I was helping process were still in more than one area in a person’s body. I could feel them in several layers within chakra’s and as I released them, the sensation would increase until it would diminish and I could sense that it was empty and eliminated from where it had once been. I began to get some reviews that my method helped when others hadn’t.

Even though our life seemed to be improving, we still struggled to get past living month by month, paycheck to paycheck. We were still on assistance. And when I began running in panic mode, I realized I had to move again. My internal program of moving to save myself was still running! We decided to downsize to a smaller home, moving our large family into a 3 bedroom 1400 square foot home. I prayed and manifested a home near, with a good yard and a tree swing! And there it was! God had delivered according to my faith. But it remained too tight, soo small, too full of all our belongings, hobbies, and abundance of things. Suddenly my attention was brought back to Feng Shui! How to take a home and balance the energies to create more harmony, prosperity, and peace. How to make a sanctuary that acts as a living vision board! I continued to educate myself. I found that there are many universal laws! More beyond the law of attraction! I found answers to why our patterns kept repeating. As I implemented what I learned, I was led to the next thing that helped me get unstuck!

And then I discovered the Abundance Alignment Technique!

Tyler Watson was speaking at a live conference. What he said made me feel like I had been struck by lightning. My whole life flashed before my eyes…and even though he was talking about money and other topics, It all came to one great conclusion! Everything we were repeating, all the repetitive programs we were running in our very life was due to physical allergies and addictions! It hit me like a grand piano! I was stuck running the same programs over and over and there was a way out! The last of my junk could be neutralized and I could finally be “at cause”, and able to help people the way I knew I could! I took his little unstoppable challenge class to start. And I studied Leslie householder’s rare faith podcasts to get my belief in myself and my ability to get the funds I needed to certify with him over the next year. Finally, I could take all that I had discovered and increase the potency, the timeframe for change by 100 fold! And as I began to align, Changes have happened faster than I ever thought was possible! I chose to become a certified instructor and teach this method!

As I learned the technique and used it, we were able to finally get a home of our own! I helped my kids with their emotional issues and health issues. I am still using it daily to work on things that need to be neutralized, making it easier to bring calm and peace in the home, and find a better balance. Each of my kids has had a benefit.

I hope to save you the pain of YEARS that it took me to find relief. This process is thorough and effective! Combined with the power of Feng Shui, creating your environment to work with your intention, Alignment allows your body, mind, and energy field, to run completely on a new program where you are finally “at cause”, with full agency, relieved of the allergies and addictions of the body! Without allergies and addictions to old patterns, we can choose to use our intention to heal, to move forward.

I hope you find this tool as helpful for you as it has been for me and many others! I hope that in your journey of self-improvement you will see this as a solution for many years to come, to help your family, your home, your business, and the service that you offer. As we heal from the trauma that this life throws at us, we are better able to lift others and be the kind of person our families and loved ones need. We can be of greater service, influence more, give more, and enjoy more! Our life in balance and alignment ripples out to the rest of the world, and we can be a light to others!